Meet Bits: Gentle, adaptogen-boosted edibles intended to enhance—not overtake—your everyday life. Containing just 5mg of THC each, with a dash of adaptogens and the addition of minor cannabinoids, you can take just one little Bit at a time, and continue happily doing your thing…without overdoing anything. And with five functional and tasty flavors to choose from, you’ll find a Bit of everything you need to do more with less.
Starting with Yuzu Zone—with sativa, ashwagandha, and reishi—can direct you to your flow state, and make your brainstorm, work day, or jam session less mired in procrastination and analysis paralysis, more rooted in pleasure and creative curiosity.

When it comes to self-care, Elderberry Wellness has your back—and endocannabinoid system. Made of indica, elderflower, and acerola, each Bit can make your fancy skincare, TV, and takeout night less about checking off a list (or worse, checking your phone), and more about thoroughly enjoying your own dang company.

And there’s Pomegranate R&R, aiding in making your rest just a Bit more restful. Composed of indica, ashwagandha, and lemon balm, this Bit is less about passing out at 8pm—and then freaking out at 2am—more about making your sweet dreams a little Bit sweeter, so you can wake up and do it all again.

Meanwhile Guava Go, made of sativa, ginseng, and guarana, is crafted to help ensure your walk, game, or workout is less of a mandatory sweat session, and more fun, energizing ‘me time.’

Finally, Acai Affection, containing hybrid cannabis, rose, and rose hip, can help you feel a Bit sexier during sexy times.: Think less in-your-head, and more playful, connected, and present.

Bits are for everyday. Because you don’t need to take your life to extremes—you just need to enjoy it, Bit by Bit.
Find Bits online in IL, MA, MD, NJ and NV or at your local Zen Leaf Dispensary.